Sunday, February 28, 2010


When Billy & I went up to mom & dad's before Christmas mom was showing me all her Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving Cactus that she has. I made the comment that I wish I could grow them before when they bloom they are REALLY pretty. Well mom told me that I could take 3 of hers. I told her that I would probably kill them, to which she replied "I have plenty more". Well as you can see i haven't' killed them and one of them actually bloomed. I took pictures so I would have proof!! Also much to my amazement this one has more blooms on it and is going to be even prettier than the first time. My mom has the greenest thumb when it comes to flowers and I'm sure she wonders where she went wrong with me!! LOL I must admit as I get older the thought of growing flowers is becoming a little more interesting to me (not alot though).

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