Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Well I had pictures to put on with this post but I couldn't get them to work so I bagged them. We had a GREAT Thanksgiving this year, my kids and spouses and granddaughter were all home plus my younger sister Marge and her family came up. We all ate way to much (as always) and then just spent the day together playing the WII and just chillin. Isn't it amazing how long it takes to get dinner all ready and how fast we can down all that food!
Toree and her friend Karli Mitchell were able to get in a little bit of studying haha!
It was nice to have everyone home, with Toree in St. George it is a little harder to have everyone together.
Billy & I decided that we were going to do the "Black Friday" thing. Ya our big outting consisted of going to Joanne's fabric store and waiting in line to buy fabric! Can you believe that haha..I tell everyone that Billy is a good wife! We bought flannel and also fleece for blankets. There was NO way we were going to go to one of those other stores...there wasn't anything on sale that was worth the craziness that goes on in them there stores!


Anonymous said...

Good to hear you had all the family for Thanksgiving. We all were at my dad's house this year.
Call me sometime and lets go do lunch or a movie or just hang out!!!

Jeff, Jack & Sadie said...

What fun to see each others family. I think often of the good old days growing up in Garland. I talk to Jenn the other night for over two hours what fun. I am so happy for her and her family and church involvement. We are well, just loving life and our little boy. Missing mom most days, but grateful I can be a stay at home mom. Thanks for the post about mom. She is the best woman ever. It was fun to see your pics from your trip to NY how fun. I have made that trip to palmyra and niagara falls three times!! Crazy I know. But living in Boston for a year I have taken many trips back to show everyone. Hard to believe that Torie and Molly are in college! Where did the time go? Remember when you and mom where camp directors when you were pregnant! :) Good to talk. Keep in touch. We will ALL have to get together at the pond when I come up next time. Take care --sadie